Keith’s Musings Vol. 3: Leads

Today I was journaling about: Speed To Lead.

I even jokingly wrote: It’s going to be the wild west when it comes to leads. There will be the quick. And the dead. 

I used to have marketing company that serviced the real estate and mortgage industries. We did a study and filled out hundreds of lead forms  and less than 1% responded within 5 min and a fraction of a percent responded within 1 min. 

Our industry is used to moving at the speed of paper and being measured on a calendar. But as deal flow slows down lead conversion will matter. A lot. So up your urgency on lead follow up. Up it a lot. If you think your fast just ask yourself: are you responding within one min? 

This isn’t just online leads. Peoples patience is decreasing every year. Technology has taught us to expect instant. We’ve got to catch up, speed up and get comfortable with fast.
