Keith’s Musings Vol. 6: Expanding

Widen the aperture of your business. Expand it. If fewer people are going to be buying and selling over the next 18-24 months (which there will be) then you’re going to have to have more access to more people to do the same number of deals.

The silver lining here is that when the market expands later your business will expand exponentially since you’re reached places you haven’t been to before and you’ll be there for the expansion.

So I started thinking about different ways to expand ones real estate business and came up with three.

Dial in your Sphere of Influence

Yeah I know I’ve seen some of the emails about how hard onboarding kvCORE is. Like it’s a lot. A lot a lot. A lot to learn. To process. It’s all new.  How do I set a tag? How do I upload my list. I uploaded my list and they’re all coded wrong and on and on. I say this with love: it’s hard because learning new things, ways, processes and habits is hard. And look, this isn’t about using kvCORE, this is about getting organized in your database. I don’t care if it’s transferring all the bar coasters with names and phone numbers to an excel sheet and then setting reminders to call/text them. That’s something. That’s more dialed than nothing. But your SOI is the shortest path to you and more transactions. Period. There are deals in there. And you’re going to miss them. If your SOI follow up plan is less than a 9 or 10 on a scale of 1-10… there you go. Shifting market solved. Get it to 10 and watch what happens.

Widen your Geographical Reach

We all fall into our comfort zones. We have our “service area”.  I remember when I got my license people would ask “where do you cover” and I would say “the piece of paper they sent me says California”. And I meant it. Of course in time I settled into a comfort zone of cities and neighborhoods that I knew and understood. One way to do more deals is go more places. Go to that next town over. Look for that new neighborhood. Cross that bridge. Start visiting new home developments (they’ll be happy to see you now lol). Lock in on that condo building you’ve seen 1,000 times. If you can’t get more humans then widen the area that you serve humans, which gets you more humans.

Widen your Client Reach

Look for a niche that you have passion around. Never worked with investors? Jump on YouTube and search “how to learn excel” masterclass party people. Download a “deal calculator” there are a lot of them and start to work with investors. Maybe become an expert in helping Boomers lend money to their kids or grandkids to buy their first house. Get with a lender and learn the best process for gifting funds, a structure that works and market to it. Maybe go to the biggest employers in town and talk to them about setting up an employee program so their people can take advantage of this shifting market. Think about how to get access to more humans to be their trusted advisor and ways to convert people from haven’t met to met.
